Friday, October 14, 2011

Forza 4

So a few weeks ago I downloaded a few different racing games from the Xbox Market.  I grabbed Shift and Forza 3.  Shift 2 demo wasn't available and Forza 4 hadn't come out yet, I knew I wanted one of them but I really want to try them out first.  I was pretty sold on Shift but hesitated because of the awful reviews.  I messed around with the Forza 3 demo and really liked it, then a week later the Forza 4 demo came out.  All I have to say is wow!!!

I have been playing this demo non-stop, the same tracks and same cars, just different settings.  The graphics are intense, the sounds are awesome and the playability is top notch.  I really liked how you could control the level arcade-ness to the level of simulation in the game.  Also with the ability to play in the gray to get just the right feel.  Personally I love the sim feel but if you take someone like my Fiance who is not good at racers can feel competitive on the easier setting making it much more enjoyable for her.

Now I just need to save up the cash and go buy the game.  This is the first time I have ever really wanted to get an Xbox game and pay full new release price for it too.